Korean War Veterans Association, Inc.

Korean War and Korea Defense Veterans... A Continuity of Service in the Defense of Freedom
Incorporated June 14, 1985… Chartered by Congress June 30, 2008




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Korean War and Korea Service Veterans of the United States and Canada, joining with the Korean Veterans Association of the Republic of Korea on the 52nd anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice, declared by the parties at the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Mall, Washington, D.C., July 27, 2005.

On behalf of all of the forces of our nations that fought, defended, or otherwise have served in the REPUBLIC OF KOREA, we jointly request all of the veterans groups of our respective Nations to increase and continue active mutual cooperation so that: the alliance established between our Nations as well as among the Nations comprising the UN Command in Korea from the beginning of the Korean War until the present time will endure and grow; and so that the friendship of veterans of Korea and their families in our Nations will continue to be promoted and advanced.

The veterans of the Nations resolve to use our utmost efforts to ever increase the bonds between us through regular commemorative events, services, and journeys, supporting our government’s activities to these same objectives.

We realize that the OBJECTIVES set forth above mandate peace, stability, and economic development of the Korean Peninsula and that peace, stability and economic development absolutely require a nuclear-free Peninsula and the solution of differences through peaceful means.

Hereby, in the names of the Nations bonded in the blood of war and long defense of freedom on the Korean Peninsula, and many other areas, participating in this 52nd observance of the 1953 Armistice, which did not end the war, declare this as a mutual joint resolution and urge that our Nations to do likewise.

Louis T Dechert  

President, Korean War Veterans
Association of the United States
Co-Chairman of the US Federation of
Korea Veterans Organizations


Chairman, Korean Veterans

Jeffrey J Brodeur   Les Peate      

Commander, Korea Veterans of America, KWVA
Co-Chairman of the US Federation of
 Korea Veterans Organizations


President, Korea Veterans
Association of Canada

Washington, D.C., July 27, 2005

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Korean War Veterans Association
PO Box 407
Charleston, IL 61920

☏ (217) 345-4414

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